Need a Reiki Refresher?

Join the Reiki Refresher 11 day Challenge!

Each day I will give you a fun Reiki ‘assignment’ to complete. At the end of the 11 days, your Reiki will be flowing strongly, you will feel better, and have new techniques to use daily on yourself and others. Will you join me?

Power up your Reiki!

  • Connect with fellow Healers

    During the challenge, connect with fellow Reiki healers from different lineages in our private facebook group.

  • Practice new techniques

    Each day we will practice a new technique. Some will be a refresher and some will probably be brand new. Will one become your new favorite?

  • Strengthen your Reiki

    Although we never lose our Reiki energy once we are attuned, we can strengthen the flow of energy with practice and different techniques.

Your Reiki Refresher Guide

Founder and Instructor at Stone to Star Academy Nicole Brandt

Hey there! I’m Nicole and the founder of the Stone to Star Healing Academy. I love to throw in a mix of information with experimentation in my healing classes (who doesn’t love experimenting with crystals?), laughter, and spiritual transformation. I can be a bit of a goofball, but I'm very serious and passionate about teaching what I love (all things woo-woo ;) ) and helping my students grow into powerful and confident healers themselves. If you think we would be a good fit – I would love to help guide you on your holistic healing journey. Do you have any questions? Drop me an email. I'm happy to help.